Pop Culture Advent 2023: Door 9

Rick Astley at Glastonbury
Ah Rick Astley, 80’s pop icon, and walking internet meme.

It’s fair to say he surprised many, including me, with his appearance at this year’s Glastonbury.
His first appearance had him playing a selection of his own songs, mixed with covers of music from Harry Styles and AC/DC.
But it was Astley’s set later in the day that gathered most attention, when he and Indie rock band Blossoms, performed a whole set of Smiths songs. Given that it’s universally acknowledged that Morrissey is a twat now, this proved a very welcome development.

In fact, Astley proved to be a very popular choice for Saturday at Glasto.
What a delight, especially as Astley genuinely seemed to have a good time too.
Proving that in fact Rick Astley will never give us up, let us down, or hurt us.
Astley’s new album “Are We There Yet?” was released in October. He will be on tour until March 2024.