Everything is terrible BUT…
10 nice things to distract from the pandemic. Because we deserve Nice Things. (Sunday 24th January 2021)

- Michelle Obama’s Inauguration Outfit. I MEAN. There were many fine coats on display, and what I didn’t realise until later is that purple was deliberately chosen as a sign of bipartisanship, a mixture of Democrat blue and Republican red.

2. And while we’re talking about the Inauguration….you’ve seen all the Bernie memes now, right? If not, you can see more here. I know it’s been a bit overdone by now but having this week’s main talking point from US politics being ‘Elderly man wearing mittens sits on a chair’ is such a welcome relief after ‘Oh god, what’s Trump tweeted now?’.

3. Pizza in the post. Pizza company, Pizza Punks, have created several kits where they send you ingredients and dough so you can make your own pizza at home! There are a few different kits including a ‘DoughIY Kit’ or a Pizza Party In A Box which includes cocktails. We were sent a kit from my sister and it was the simplest thing ever. The kit we got included pizza dough, tomato and garlic sauce, and other toppings she had chosen for us. It was very simple to put together and believe me, I’ve had my fair of kitchen disasters, so if I can do it, anyone can. (*I’m not an influencer or anything like that, so this isn’t an ad or anything, I wish! I’m open to all offers of Pizza :)

4. This cat on Zoom. I feel like he’s waiting on me to give a presentation that I’ve somehow forgotten about.

5. It’s Burns Night on Monday. Like everything else, it’ll have to be a lockdown version. We’re planning a night of Haggis and Scottish films. If you fancy doing the same, the address to the Haggis can be found here. Check out this post for where to stream the best Scottish films. Robert Burns poetry can be found here.

6. Moonmins in the snow. Looking their fluffy white best.

7. The Poltergeist by Phillip Ridley is a brilliant play that I saw towards the end of last year. It was streamed by Southwark Playhouse and they’re bringing it back from 25th January — 28th February. It’s an extremely touching and beautiful monologue about a young artist who had been poised to ‘make it big’ but then everything fell apart. I adored it when I saw it and I’m going to book and watch again. It’s performed by actor Joseph Potter who is a stunning talent. Booking details can be found here.
8. Patrick Stewart has had the Covid vaccine. And that makes me feel a little bit better about everything
9. This cat protecting it’s little human.
10. One final thing about the Inauguration….it was really great, wasn’t it? This blog is called “Everything is terrible BUT…” and largely, things are still pretty terrible. But there were so many things about Wednesday that just felt so…nice. Including this mashup of Seasons of Love/Let this Sunshine In, sung by broadway performers. Let the Sunshine In? Yes please.
That’s it for another week. Stay safe!
Mhairi x